Example Model Simulations

Five example lake set-ups are provided below as a download here to guide new users. They are available by clicking the button below. A description of each model is below.

Goto Example Files

Ellen Brook Nature Reserve

Ellen Brook is a natural, ephemeral waterway that forms the largest sub-catchment (715 km2) within Swan Canning Catchment (35 ºS, 32 ºE). The catchment is situated adjacent to an agricultural land and urban settlements, with a history of nutrient intervention and changed management practices. In this modelling study, the ephemeral wetland model covers about 0.345 km2, and is filled with precipitation during wet season (May to December).

Ellen Brook Nature Reserve

Grosse Dhuenn

Grosse Dhuenn is a multi-purpose reservoir with an optimized withdrawal scheme (51.07 ºN, 7.22 ºE) situated in a densely populated area of Cologne, Western Germany. The reservoir has a surface area of 3.7501 km2, and is about 48 m deep.

Grosse Dhuenn

Lake Kinneret

Lake Kinneret is a freshwater lake (32 ºN, 35 ºE) situated in northern Israel, and is the lowest freshwater lake in the world (209m below Mediterranean Sea Level). The lake has a surface area of 173 km2, and is about 49 m deep.

Lake Kinneret

Sparkling Lake

Sparkling Lake is an oligotrophic, northern temperate lake (89.7 ºN, 46.3 ºW) in Winconsin, USA. The lake has a surface area of 0.638 km2, and is about 20 m deep.

Sparkling Lake

Woods Lake

Woods Lake (42 ºS, 147 ºE) is created by damming of Lake River, and is situated in Tasmania. The reservoir has a surface area of 12.4 km2, and is about 5.5 m deep.

Woods Lake


A simple tutorial on running GLM with the example simulations is available:

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