Science Modules / Vegetation

documentation for these modules is pending.

documentation for these modules is pending.

Variable Summary & Setup Options

Variable Name Description Units Variable Type Core/Optional
Variable Name Description Units Variable Type Core/Optional
Parameter Name Description Units Parameter Type Default Typical Range Comment
num_veg Total Number of Veg groups - Float - - -
the_veg ID's of Veg groups matching Database ID's - array - - -
n_zones Number of active material zones - float - - -
active_zones ID's of active material zones - array - - -
litter_target_variable_land - - string - - -
litter_target_variable_water - - string - - -
dbase - - string - - -
simVegFeedback - - boolean - - -
simStaticBiomass - - boolean - - -
int_max - - float - - -
lai_max - - float - - -
lai_link_variable - - string - - -

An example nml block for the vegetation module is shown below.

&aed2_vegetation num_veg = 2 the_veg = 1,2 n_zones = 1 active_zones = 17 litter_target_variable_land = 'SBG_litter' litter_target_variable_water = 'OGM_poc' dbase='../External/AED2/aed2_vegetation_pars.nml' simVegFeedback = .true. simStaticBiomass = .true. !simVegFrac int_max = 0.01 lai_max = 5. lai_link_variable = 'LND_lai' /


pending ......

Publications & References

To be completed ...

Style Switcher

Predefined Colors

Layout Style

Background Image

Background Color
